Friday, August 5, 2011

Two months since I last posted. That's pretty sad. I aim to do better.

What I've learned so far: AS much as I like to make lists of books I plan to read and projects I plan to complete in a given amount of time, what actually *works* for me is to make a list of the things I'd like to get around to learning and then commit to devoting a certain amount of time each day or each week toward learning those things. And then accept that it'll take as long as it takes to get through each individual book or video series.

I find that I go through phases -- some weeks I made it easily through all my magazine articles and often read twice as many as I'd planned to, but then totally forgot to crack even a single book. Other weeks I made it through three books but never picked up a single magazine because I just wanted to get back to whichever book I was currently engrossed in. And some weeks I read steadily every day but didn't come close to finishing even a single book because whatever I was reading either required frequent breaks to contemplate what I'd read or else got me so riled up and enthusiastic that I kept taking breaks to go out and take action (planning homeschool activities for my daughter, looking up new educational resources, decluttering the house, writing political letters...).

One thing that was consistent, though -- the reading doesn't mix well with the projects. I don't know why. I'll have to think about

I've forgotten the specifics of many of the articles I read, so I won't be reviewing them here. But I'll be reviewing the books I've finished, and I want to start writing up short overviews of the articles I read from here on in (very Charlotte Mason -- I really do remember better when I give a narration after I finish reading something).