Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Long term goals

I feel as if I should write at length about my philosophy of learning, and the most essential goals of education. But, honestly, these days I'm loathe to waste time on waxing poetic or philosophical when I could be using that time to start moving toward my goals and getting things done if I'm feeling productive, or to spending time dawdling about with my daughter or with my banjo if I'm feeling reflective and dreamy.

So, the quick and dirty version: education should prepare you for whatever you want to do next, it should prepare you to be an informed and active citizen of the country and the world, and it should prepare you to take your place in the ongoing cultural conversations of curious, enthusiastic, informed people.

What does that look like, broken down into slightly-more-manageable chunks and made personal?

Whatever I want to do next:
* something in alternative education (possibly another democratic free school, in a few years)
* or something in nutrition or food-related activism (organics? slow food? world hunger?)
* or something in science (possibly going back to school to finish up that engineering degree)
* AND make lots and lots of music, all sorts

An informed and active citizen:
* versed in basic polisci
* versed in basic US history
* versed in basic world history
* versed in rhetoric and logic
* versed in the science and politics behind issues like GMOs, climate change, and other subjects I feel passionate about
* versed in basic econ
* versed in basic comparative religion
* versed in basic sociology/anthro

Ongoing cultural conversations:
* have a basic sense of how things work (scientifically, politically, psychologically...)
* keep up with current events
* continue reading books and attending cultural events which deeply engage me

Oh! And the last requirement -- be capable of being a competent adult, managing a household, including:
* versed in basic home repair
* understand how the car works and be capable of talking about it with repair people
* be capable of making a variety of things from scratch (bread, dressing, sauce, etc.)

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